Monday, February 17, 2020

International Management Master Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International Management Master - Assignment Example Morgan Chase, Allstate, Prudential, Dell, Cisco, Microsoft and Motorola have all adopted it in some form as they shift their managerial frames of reference toward the requirements of the global-network era. Companies would do well, the Oddou (1999) advises, to think rationally - not emotionally - about off shoring's relevant issues: What are their core competencies What form of governance is optimal How will work will be distributed and integrated to the new staff and how well they can get settles with the new environment Since outsourcing contracts often last for five or more years, corporate officers responsible for selecting the manager with whom they wind up going down the legal path often compare the pact to that of a marriage. The reason is that trust is as important to an outsourcing manager as it is to a spouse. But before an outsourcing relationship reaches that point, many outsourcing managers note that they wind up going through a systematic process of gathering intelligence about their possible partners, and often about themselves. Manager or staff selection first involves self-assessment. Before even undertaking the manager's selection, a corporation should determine whether it needs to outsource in the first place. A company must assess the raw economics of a project, says Howard Rubin, executive vice president with the Meta Group Inc., which advises corporations on outsourcing. It also must weigh the fixed costs of moving production or a task to an outsourcing vendor, as well as the variable ones, he notes. Once that's done, a strategic accounting must be completed. "If your business is building bridges, you don't want to worry about maintaining and painting the ones you've already built," Rubin says. Those are things you outsource if it takes away from your core business focus. It's not unusual for a company to decide not to outsource. One outsourcing officer of a major industrial company based in the Midwest says half the time his company examines an outsourcing request from a business unit, no outsourcing assignment winds up being made. There are numerous reasons for that, including fear about intellectual assets losing their protection once outside the corporate cocoon. "With IP (intellectual property), once you move outside, you're at risk of losing it," says one outsourcing manager in the Midwest. That's why trust becomes so important when selecting a Manager. It must be someone who can respect proprietary information. Trust, of course, must be earned. It's somewhat intangible, and generally doesn't emerge until hard fact-finding is completed. The Midwestern outsourcing manager says when an entire assignment is considered, and staffs needs to be selected, as many as 25 people can be working on a prospective mandate at his company. In hiring managers from another country or culture there are three aspects to be considered, what codifiability, standardizability and modularizability. Codifiability refers to the extent to which the activities in an occupation can be described completely in a set of

Monday, February 3, 2020

Final Project- Step Three Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Project- Step Three - Assignment Example Second (2), I used text with highlights on is edges and separated thoughts through title and subtitle with their accompanying highlights of putting them in bold and underline. The third (3), I put colors on the text. Fourth (4), I used a simple black and white diagram of the internal working structure of a human ear. And lastly (5), I used a full colored diagram of the human ear. The purpose of this approach is for the audience to experience the increasing ease of understand the message or lecture as the mode of visual progresses from simple text to the use of colored diagrams. By using the same subject with different modalities of conveying beginning from a simple text to a full colored diagram, the audience will readily understand how effective visuals in conveying information. This is consistent with the cliche that goes â€Å"A picture is worth a thousand words†. I Calibri text Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of hum an ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus(,nd). II Times New Roman with titles and subtitles Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of human ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus (,nd) . III Texts with colors Parts and Functions of the ear The human ear is divided into five parts. These five parts of human ear, have specific functions that help in the process of hearing. Parts of Human Ear The parts of the human ear include: Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear Acoustic Nerve Central Auditory Processing Centers Outer ear is divided into the pinna and the external auditory meatus. The pinna, also known as the auricle is the external ear part that is located and seen on each side of our head. It is made up of cartilage and soft tissue. This helps in maintaining a particular ear shape and remains pliable. The pinna is like a funnel that collects the sound vibrations from around us and funnels them towards the external auditory meatus (,nd) . IV Diagram of the ear in black and white Source: Gallaudet university V